Wednesday, 12 January 2011

There's nothing better than a good book....

So, here we are at the beginning of a New Year but the weather is still cold and the nights are still long. So how do you fill the long evenings?

Personally, I am never without a good book...and there are so many ways to get hold of great reads. Charity shops are an obvious place to go for cheap books, but if you don't feel like going out into the cold, then you can go online and order direct.

One such website is: Oxfam Secondhand Books

Another great source of books, new and used, is Amazon - Books.

What I like about Amazon is that it has readers' reviews, which can be very helpful when there is so much choice. Once you have an account with Amazon and start buying books from them, you can find out what they recommend, what other people who like similar books have bought and, of course, Bestseller lists and so on.

My final suggestion for online help about what to read is Lovereading, a website entirely dedicated to books and reading. Here you can even read Opening Extracts of books, get Like-for-Like recommendations based on writers you already enjoy reading and, best of all, you can compare prices at various online stores.

So, there's no reason not to stay snug and warm in your armchair and get all the good books come to you. At least until all this weather blows over...

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