To coincide with Silvers Surfers' Day on May 20th, I thought it would be interesting to have a look at just who Silver Surfers are and what is available to them to improve their skills.
According to
...a silver surfer is "An adult, generally 50 years of age or older, who frequently surfs the Web and spends time online ("silver" refers to the color of their hair)."
So, there are plenty of us around. With a huge range of ages, skills and interests. One thing that is true for most of us is that we didn't learn about computers at school, or while engaged in further studies or for perhaps the first ten years of our working lives.
What is not true though, is that we are therefore at a disadvantage when it comes to computers. Younger people may feel no fear (although I'm not even convinced of that) but their knowledge of computers and what they are capable of can still be quite narrow.
But fear is a key word. In order to overcome this, there is no doubt that some form of hands-on computer training is invaluable. Having someone to talk to and help explain what is happening helps instill confidence. And, as with any other skill, going to class is just the beginning of the learning process. You need practice.
Luckily, there is a plethora of useful websites which provide just that.
Digital Unite is a site designed to help older people realise the potential of computers. The best place to start is their Learning Zone. By browsing the guides (see the left-hand panel), you can start right from the beginning and progress to skills such as Shopping, Listening to Music, Working with Photos and so on.
Once you've got the idea of how to use the internet, the question of how to find relevant websites to surf still remains. One of the best sources for websites I've come across is Silver Surfers Net. They have a huge directory, covering every possible interest and taking you directly to pertinent websites.
So really, the best way to become a proficient Silver Surfer is to put a toe in the water and make use of all the resources out there to help you.
A word of warning though....before you start surfing, make sure you've got no pressing engagements coming up. You could be busy for a while!